We finally got Dave's leak fixed. Let's all drop to our knees and thank God we don't have to hear about this anymore.
But before we drop this, Hugo was a master. He had a tool manufactured that solved the problem. My cost was $120, but I am sure that this is a bargain. No more leak!!!!!
We camped out last night. As we pulled up to a policia road block, Jim headed off his quirery by asking, where can we camp. He pointed toward the town square and off we went. Big pool to wash in. Look in the background and you see the walls of the pool.
We were camped out once again, so needless to say, Jim and I slept like babies.
Today we rode 168 miles, but it was a tough bunch of miles. Some have asked how far we ride. Well, we ride between 100 and 300 miles, but closer to 150 miles. Things are tough here in South America, not just for the indigenous. Jim and I work hard to keep our bikes moving forward.
We apologize for the SPOT. It is not a perfect system, especially if we don't change the batteries.
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